Get company SMS alerts if shortfalls to expected manning levels occur

industrial action Swindon Great Western Hospital strike employees at work advanced WinTAnet clocking analysis application Time and Attendance South West Manning levels absenteeism SMS alerts rostering manpower schedulingA firm said it had “robust contingency plans” in place to deal with industrial action at a Swindon hospital. A spokesman for the contractors Carillion confirmed “with regret” the resignation of an unnamed manager following allegations of harassment at the Great Western Hospital, saying: “We have conducted in the region of 100 interviews as part of this process.” Carillion added it was “confident that patient care and the efficient running of the hospital will not be compromised by the strike action.”

Does your company want a better understanding of exactly how many employees are at work to put in place contingency plans on manning levels? The advanced WinTAnet clocking analysis application from Time and Attendance South West allows just this. Manning levels in WinTAnet are based upon employee skills required during the working week. Any shortfalls to the expected requirement, due to absenteeism for example, can trigger a system email or SMS alerts. A separate module is available for rostering and manpower scheduling.