Simple PC based attendance booking system suitable for schools
Pupils’ attendance at 20 Devon schools could be affected if transport cuts go ahead as planned. Campaigners claim some areas of the county will be left with no services if companies decided they are not commercially viable; while the county council aims to proceed with a £1.3m reduction in its subsidy to bus firms. In reply Devon County Council stated it had been forced into making cuts partly because of the £5m cut to concessionary bus passes for the over-60s.
Any school having problems with attendance can use Time and Attendance South West’s WinTA PC Clock. This is a simple PC based booking system ideal for organisations where each employee, or in this case pupil, has access to a PC. Pupils are simplypresented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. PC Clock’s analysis module consists of a scaled-down version of Tensor’s acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software, with many features such as the holiday and absence planners.